Revenue Path Group Blog

Three Must Haves For Your Convincing Advantages

Written by Bryan Gray | Oct 7, 2015 11:00:40 AM 

Keep it simple, different, and memorable.

 Convincing advantages will help you stand out and position you to win.

Note:  I recently wrote about messaging vs. convincing advantages (read it here) and launching your competitive advantages (read it here).

Here are three must haves for your convincing advantages.

  • Simple - must be easy to remember - easy to connect to real and relevant value.
  • Differentiate - what’s unique to you must be crisp and clear to your prospects.
  • Memorable - craft so they don’t forget - memorable advantages transform “outsiders and strangers” into engaged and effective “insiders” - aka people who buy you.

This simple and powerful transition will have you cutting through commoditization, confusion and no decision in no time!