Top 5 phrases used on every demo:
Sara Wesche
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It’s no secret it’s harder than ever to stand out and differentiate from your competition. Today’s sales teams are facing three major obstacles in their path to closing more deals, and ultimately revenue growth.
You’ve made it to the short list and now it’s time for the final presentation to a room full of decisions makers. But, the real decision-maker in the room is not a person.
Yes, this photo is real. This sign was posted on a telephone pole that is typically reserved for garage sales and missing pets. But, a missing drone. That's a new one. I chuckled, and I wondered if this person would actually get their drone back...or if the drone is sitting crushed into pieces in the trash can of a disgruntled neighbor.
We, as a society don't trust. According to The General Social Survey, since the 1970s, our trust in other's has dropped by almost 20%. And it's not just people we don't trust. Only 12% of Americans trust the press, only 14% trust banks, and only 14% trust government officials. Heck, we don't even trust those closest to us. Only 42% of people trust […]
Is your credit union one of a hundred, or one in a million? Here's a $250M reason your must Own Your Why.
Who would have thought a 6"x 4" speaker would change your life? Whether it's Google Home or Alexa - sidenote, at 70%, Alexa currently dominates the US speaker market - smart speakers are moving into homes and businesses at a rapid pace. According to research from NPR and Edison Research, 1 in 6 Americans owns a smart speaker. That's a 128% […]
"There are millions of blog posts published daily, will ours even get read?"